Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jackson and Baron were arguing in the car the other day non stop over the same thing. I don't even know what it was, but it was one of those "It's blue" "No its red" "No blue!" "No RED!" "BLUE!" "RED!!" type of arguments. The argument was going back and forth just like then, when finally, Baron, (the 2 year old) gave a long, frustrated sigh and says, "I'm done with you Jackson."

I was laughing so hard in the front seat. I am pretty sure I have said that a time or two during a toddler tantrum/power struggle.


Colby came to visit us during his spring break! The boys had SO much fun with him! They wrestled, built forts together, had tickle fights and all kinds of boy fun. One of their favorite things they did together at our place was playing Hide-and-go-seek. They had so much fun playing. My favorite was Baron.... he is so darn cute. When it was Colby's turn to count, Baron would say to him, "Ok, I'm going to go hide in the closet." and then when looking for him, all you had to do was say, "Baron, where are you?" and he would yell back, "I'm in here!" He's not so good at hiding yet :) . Someday he will learn not to give his hiding spot away!