Wednesday, April 28, 2010

John the Baptist

While reading the Book of Mormon together a few nights ago, we came across a verse in 1 Nephi that was talking about the prophet that would come before Christ and prepare the way and baptize Christ. We then had a further family discussion about how that man was named John the Baptist and we showed Jackson the picture of him baptizing Jesus. Then we tried to explain to Jackson that when he turns eight, Daddy will get to baptize him too just like Jesus was baptized. He was really into it and is really starting to understand more gospel topics which is really fun as a parent when you feel like finally some things are getting through to them.

Anyways, the next morning, while eating breakfast, Jackson picks up the picture (John the Baptist baptizing Jesus) that was still lying on the table and says, "Look Mom. When I grow up I am going to be 8 and then I will be Jesus and Daddy will be this guy, John the Baptist."

He almost gets it.... though I'm not so sure he doesn't think we are talking about a play in which we each play the part of someone else! We had a good talk after that about how he won't be Jesus, but he gets to be like him and be baptized like Jesus. And even though Daddy's name is indeed John too, he is our very own priesthood holder and can baptize, but is not quite a prophet :)

I love this age of learning new things! It's a lot of fun! I am looking forward to more teaching moments to come!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Time Out

Sunday afternoons are my favorite. Everyone is happy and content to just relax and play around the house at home. I really just love that we are all home with not too much to do. This past Sunday, the boys were just running around and goofing off together, going from one room to another. I was in the family room and they had last been seen running in between their room and ours. Jackson comes walking alone into the family room and starts playing with some toys. No Baron following behind him, which is unusual.

Me: "Hey Jackson. Where's your brother?"
Jackson: "He's in a time-out in my bed."
Me: "Who put him in a time-out? And why is he in one?"
Jackson: "I just put Baron James in a time-out because he needs to take a chill pill"

(Baron James and Jackson Jeffrey are what I sometimes say when they get caught or get in trouble).

I walk on over to the boys room and open the door and sure enough, there is Bear, sitting on Jackson's bed like he was in a time-out. Once he saw me though, he got up with a smile that seemed to say, "Thanks for rescuing me!" and ran out of the room to go play.

Jackson pays way to much attention to what we say and do lately. He has become quite the little parrot/copy cat. And when you teasingly call him a copy cat, he always says, "I'm not a cat! I'm just Jackson!"