Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wrong Kid!!

This morning I was exhausted. Baron decided to wake up at 1 in the morning and freak out and scream for an hour no matter what I did to try to console him. We think that he has nightmares every now and then because he is totally out of it and wakes up really mad. ANYWAYS, John is out of town at a training, so I've been left to handle the kids and the apartments all by myself all week. This morning Jackson asked for his milk when he woke up. I poured his milk for him and then the phone started ringing. I handed the sippy cup to the closest kid without thinking and went to answer the phone. While I was on the phone, the kids started arguing and fighting. When I hung up the phone, I realized what was going on when I heard this:

"No Bear! That's the wrong kid!! That's my milk! Mommy?? That's the wrong kid!!"

Apparently I had handed the milk to Baron and not Jackson without even noticing. Baron was all excited to get it, but Jackson was not letting his milk get away from him!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bouncy Ball Woes

Jackson got a bouncy ball while trick or treating. Today he discovered how to make it bounce off the kitchen floor and run after it. He was doing that when I heard him say, "Oh no! Bouncy ball broken!" Apparently rubber bouncy balls can break right down the middle. The funny part is what he said next:

"We should take the ball to the Dr. and fix it"

I think he needs a Dr. kit for his birthday because he is just so fascinated with Dr. stuff right now!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chocolate Juice


We had to run a bunch of errands for the apartments and it was pouring rain all day in the city of Portland. After one of our errands we decided to pick up some hot chocolate from the popular Dutch Bros stand to warm us back up. Jackson calls his hot chocolate, "Chocolate Juice". I was pretty excited about mine and took a sip like I always seem to do before it actually cools down enough to drink.

Me: "Ouch!"
Jackson: "You ok Mommy?"
Me: "Yeah, Mommy just burnt her tongue on the chocolate juice.... we need to wait for it to cool down."
Jackson: "You need to go to the Dr., Mommy?"
Me: "No, I don't need to go to the Dr."
Jackson: "You need a band-aid on your tongue?"
Me: "No, I think I'll be ok, but thanks Bud."
Jackson" "Your welcome Mommy"

Oh how I wish everything could really be solved just by putting a band-aid on! To a 2 almost 3 year old, it does solve everything.

Haven't Given Up....

I know its been a long time since I have posted on here.... life has been SO busy for us. But I decided that instead of waiting until I catch up on here with all the posts I have written in a journal, I will just post when something happens and is fresh. So basically, there may be posts out of order and all over the place date wise, but it's better than not writing!


Seen: Mommy and Daddy kissing in the kitchen after dinner

Heard: (from Jackson of course:) "Hey!!! What are you guys doing?!"

Also heard from Jackson: kissing noises as we continue kissing and ignore him- hey, it's been a long, stressful week and John's going out of town next week for a training :)