Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bless You!

Baby Bear is a very polite little 1 year old. It makes me proud. He is a really good talker too for his age. The other day we were in the car and I sneezed and he said, "Bless you, Stephamie!" haha. I think it's so funny that he can even say my name and that he remembers it. Most of the time he calls me mommy, but every now and then he will greet me with a, "Hi Stephamie!"

He is also pretty polite when you ask him if he wants something or give him something. He almost always says thank you on his own without needing any reminders, and my favorite is when you ask if he wants something and he says, "No thank you!" I love it! Makes a mother proud to see her hard work actually getting through to the little guys.

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